Pengsheng Huang 黄鹏升 ☕️

Pengsheng Huang 黄鹏升

Senir Machine Learning Engineer

Baidu Inc

Pengsheng Huang is an ML Engineer of Computer Vision at Baidu Inc. His research interests include model compression, base model and 3D sensor. Our team developed a AutoML toolbox, which now is released as MMRazor, he is charged for Quantization, Knowledge Distillation, and code quality. Prior to that, he developed CV applications at Segway Robotics, and got his B.Eng in Biomedical from UESTC, 2018.


Part-time Reseacher
Shanghai AI Lab
August 2022 – Present Shanghai

Responsibilities include:

  • MMRazor contributor
  • Model Compression
Sensetime Research
December 2020 – Present Beijing
Working with DL framework team, and work closely with OpenMMLab team.
Software Engineer - Computer Vision
Segway Robotics
December 2018 – October 2020 Beijing

Responsibilities include:

  • Computer Vision model R&D.
  • CV application on devices.

Recent Posts

Welcome 👋


GML - Hyperparameter Optimization Toolbox
A internal HPO Toolbox, deployed @ MIIT
MMRazor - KD
OpenMMLab Knownoledge Distillation Toolbox
MMRazor - KD
MMRazor - Quant
OpenMMLab Model Quantization Toolbox
MMRazor - Quant
Segway Robotics Core Perception
3D detection & tracking application deployed at Segway.
Segway Robotics Core Perception

Recent & Upcoming Talks


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